Solar. Simple. Together.

Step 1: Register to get custom quotes from pre-screened solar installers!

Solarize Eastern helps you go solar!

Eastern provides great benefits to all who work and study here!

And now, Eastern is promoting a valuable solar program to help you explore the benefits of solar energy for your homes using an online solar marketplace called EnergySage. Eastern has teamed up with the Connecticut Green Bank and SmartPower to inform faculty, staff and students about the attractive savings that solar power can offer, and to help you get a great deal!

By registering with EnergySage, you can enjoy the following:

  • Competitive pricing from pre-screened solar installers
  • Access to a range of financing alternatives, including $0-down options
  • Impartial assistance from Solar Advisors
The program ends on August 31st!
Register to Get Quotes

EnergySage Solar Advisors are available to answer your questions.

Contact EnergySage
Participating Solar Installers

We have carefully vetted and selected a group of high quality, local solar installers for this program. By creating an account on EnergySage, these installers will be able to quickly see your property information and provide you with online quotes for your review.  It’s simple and easy!

How the EnergySage Marketplace Works

Step 1:
Register online

Register and complete your property profile

Step 2:
Pre-screened installers submit quotes online

Installers compete for your business

Step 3:
Compare quotes online

Pick the best quote for you and save with solar!

“At Eastern, our commitment to sustainability extends from high performance buildings to academic offerings in sustainable energy studies to the practical application of smart energy solutions in Connecticut’s communities and schools. Solarize U will broaden our impact by encouraging our faculty, staff, and students to take sustainability home. We are pleased to partner with the Connecticut Green Bank and SmartPower on this initiative.”

Elsa M. Núñez, President of Eastern Connecticut State University

Learn More About Solar!

Case Study

7.8 kW system installed in Essex, CT

Solar Saves You Money

An overview of the benefits of going solar

Learn About Solar

From why to how of going solar! And it’s a great investment.

Spread the word! Share EnergySage with your friends & family.

Step 1: Register to get custom quotes from pre-screened solar installers!