The EnergySage Marketplace

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Your Local Chamber is helping you go solar!

Chambers for Innovation and Clean Energy (CICE) helps local chambers of commerce and their member businesses navigate the clean energy space and participate in clean energy programs and opportunities. The EnergySage Marketplace gets your members quotes online from multiple, pre-screened installers and helps you compare offers in an apples-to-apples way so you get the best deal. Going solar with EnergySage also offers an opportunity for local chambers to generate non-dues revenue.

Learn about CICE’s clean energy best practices

How the EnergySage Marketplace Works

Calculate solar savings

See your customized solar savings potential

Pre-screened installers submit quotes online

Installers compete for your business

Compare quotes online

Pick the best quote for you and save with solar!

Why use the EnergySage Marketplace

It's never been easier to shop for solar systems with confidence. Get quotes from multiple pre-screened installers. The EnergySage Marketplace makes comparison shopping for solar simple and transparent, so you can understand the true costs and benefits of each quote across all of your financing options. Don’t shop without it!

< Compare solar quotes apples to apples
As seen in

Local Chambers view renewable energy as an economic development opportunity

Chambers for Innovation and Clean Energy believes that business must be part of the clean energy economy and that our dependence on foreign fossil fuels is a threat to our economy and our national security. We support market-based solutions that allow businesses to find the most efficient and cost-effective measures to spur innovation, encourage investment, and advance clean energy technologies – including solar!

Learn more about CICE

Commercial Case Study

Hunt’s Photo solar panel system in Melrose, MA.

Hunt’s Photo generates over 70% of their own power since 2012!

Annual Savings
Annual Savings
Trees planted in a year
Trees planted every year

Learn About Solar

From why to how of going solar! And it's a great investment.

Going solar has a wide range of benefits and that's great news! Whether economic, environmental, personal, or political, all of these benefits are fueling the United States’ solar power boom.

Solar for Business

An overview of the benefits of going solar for businesses

Solar is a great way to reduce cost and increase profits. Businesses can significantly reduce or completely eliminate their electric bill. Companies are finding that “green” credentials are a powerful driver of consumer purchasing decisions, creating goodwill & improved business results.

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