If you immediately think about homeowners regarding solar panels, you're certainly not alone. But did you know that about two-thirds of Americans cannot install solar panels on their properties? Community solar is an excellent alternative to rooftop solar, making solar energy more accessible and available to a broader range of people, including renters and condo owners.

Community solar programs aren't available everywhere yet; when they are, they aren't always taking new subscribers. In some cases, condo owners may still have the option of going with rooftop solar. This article helps determine whether home or community solar will work for your condo.

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Key takeaways

  • Community solar farms make clean energy more accessible to renters, apartment owners, and condo owners.

  • Many condo owners can subscribe to community solar farms, but it depends on their electric metering system and HOA rules.

  • As a condo owner, you'll save more by installing solar on your property, but signing up for community solar is typically easier.

  • You can visit the EnergySage Community Solar Marketplace to compare projects near you. 

Community solar refers to any solar project that serves multiple customers, families, or businesses. Typically, community solar subscribers buy or lease a portion of the project and receive credit on their electric bills for the electricity produced from their project share through virtual net metering. By signing up for a community solar project, you'll likely save anywhere from 5-15 percent annually on your electric bills, making it a no-brainer for most people who can't install solar on their properties! To compare community solar projects near you, check out the EnergySage Community Solar Marketplace

Condos are privately owned units or apartments in a larger building or set of buildings. Typically, condo owners have several standard amenities and shared expenses, such as fitness centers, green spaces, and roofs. As a condo owner, you'll likely pay a monthly fee to the homeowners association (HOA) for the upkeep of these shared spaces, and the HOA will decide certain aesthetic features and rules of the condominium. 

If you live in a single-family home, your electric bill is tied to your electric meter, which monitors how much electricity you use. However, this can be a bit more complicated in a condo. One electric meter is sometimes tied to multiple condo units, so your electric bills are covered under your HOA fees. This can result in restrictions for going solar on your property or through an off-site community solar project. 

Home solar for condo owners

Because the structure of HOAs can be complicated, many condo owners opt not to install solar on their property. Roof ownership in a condo is usually on a case-by-case basis, and most often, it's considered a shared space. However, in some cases, you may own roof rights to all or a portion of your condo's roof. If your condo is also connected to its electric meter, you might be able to install a solar system and directly reap the benefits! 

Sometimes, condo owners in an HOA opt to install a system on the property (or newer condo buildings may already have one installed). In this case, the electricity generated by the system is often shared by all condo owners in the HOA. This might apply to your collective electric bill if units all share one electric meter. Or, if you all have separate electric meters, you may choose to power common areas like a gym or hallway with a solar system. Either way, with the cost of electricity constantly rising, your building will save on electric bills by going solar. 

Community solar for condo owners

If your condo is connected to its electric meter, you should easily be able to sign up for a community solar project without needing to consult your HOA. But, if your electric meter is connected to multiple condo units, you won't be able to sign up for community solar without the approval of your HOA. In most cases, you'll receive two monthly bills if you sign up for a community solar project: one from your utility company and one from your community solar provider. If all members of your HOA collectively decide to sign up for community solar, the bill from your community solar provider will likely be paid as part of your HOA fees – the electric bill from your utility company will still fall under HOA fees but will be significantly lower.  

In many cases, deciding to install solar on your condo's property or sign up for community solar will require input from all condo owners in your HOA. However, there are some cases in which you can easily decide to go solar all on your own as a condo owner. Here's a breakdown of some key considerations if you're a condo owner looking to go solar:

Home solarYesYesYesYes$$$Not easy
Home solarYesNoYesYes$$$Not easy
Home solarNoNoPossibly noYes$$$$Fairly easy
Community solarN/AYesYesNo$Fairly easy
Community solarN/ANoLikely noNo$Easy

Whether you want to sign up for community solar or install solar on your property, you'll want to compare your options. EnergySage is the nation's leading online solar marketplace; using our Community Solar Marketplace, you can compare local options, get a quick community solar savings estimate, and seamlessly subscribe to an open project in your area.

Or, if you decide home solar is the best option for you, you can compare multiple quotes from our network of pre-vetted installers – all for free! Over 10 million people visit EnergySage annually to learn about, shop for, and invest in solar. Get started today to see how much you can save!

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