Complete waste of money


What You Need to Know


Went with Integrate Sun out of Texas as their system seems to be the best deal and they were recommended by Energy sage. Have 20 solar panels. Also installed a back up battery

Other Benefits:

none at present

Maintenance Requirements:

they might have to be cleaned.... lots of dust in AZ. No instructions provided on servicing or maintenance- so am in the dark

My Motivation:

Since electric costs are always rising, wanted to be able to run the a/c without worrying about the power bill


I wish I had known that the company would take a year to get it installed, and then once I paid them, they never got it up and running. SO don't pay until the system actually works for you. We have gone a year without any benefit and probably will end up going longer without any benefit unless we get our money back. Once they get paid... they aren't interested in making sure your system actually works.

Experience with Installer:

The actual install- once they finally got to our place, 9 months later- only took a day. We had replaced the roof before the install as the panels, will probably have to be removed for roof repair. Our electric company had to come out 2x for inspection as something wasn't hooked up properly. Also, the system has to connect to your internet. Everything was in place-- but it didn't work as nobody bothered to connect it to the internet.

Additional Notes:

WE signed a contract with Integrate Sun out of Texas in July 2023. In Feb 2024, they were out to put in the equipment. Then we waited and waited. By May, everything was "supposed" to be good to go. It didn't work- it wasn't connected to the internet... July 2024- still doesn't work. I want my money back.. Could use the 30 grand we spent on a number of other improvements.

Open House Info:

to view the non- working panels-- you can drive by the back of our house.. They are visible from the road. Nice roof decorations..

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