My system was delayed 6 week by North Coast due to design error, company owner James Jacobs is like a Bull in the China Shop in terms of finger pointing and making excuses for their lack of professionalism to resolve failed electrical inspection, misplacement of electrical conduit running 90 ft. Exposed conduit on a modern brick ranch roof in the air over roof when told to hide conduit in attic space. Owner walked off job, am now attempting to resolve ongoing dispute.

EnergySage Customer
Quick Facts
Average Annual Savings


Net Investment


Return on Investment


What You Need to Know


Install 48 Solar panels (20kw) and 14kw backup generator

Other Benefits:

Home value increase

Maintenance Requirements:

Low overhead

My Motivation:

Solar panels efficiency and depreciation over 20 years is 4%


Project mange every detail and don't trust solor installation team, many disconnects and communications gaps experienced.

Experience with Installer:

Poor project management, constant disconnects with panel layout design, conduit installation, taking shortcuts when in a rush to finish, placement of distribution panel wirh 36 inches of gas line, failed inspection, scheduling delays of 6 weeks that prevented projected May and June 2024 savings of $700+

Additional Notes:

Installer cha ged schedules 3 times, including rushing the 2 day job as planned into a 1 day job, taking short cuts that resulted in a failed electrical inspected, and routed an exterior stell conduit in the air over a modern roof line, along exterior of Facia, and 90 feet long overhang, when Instructed to hid and bury the conduit along chimney line near attic crawl space causing an unresolved dispute as of 06//01/2024

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