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The True South Solar Team
Solar panels installed on a Southern Oregon home.
A happy customer with his new Tesla Powerwall
The True South Solar crew installing panels at a Methodist Church
True South Solar takes great care to fulfill our guests' solar dreams!
A home solar installation in Central Point
A commercial solar project in Southern Oregon.
True South Solar offers you our Power Bill Replacement (PBR) program
We are True South Solar. Find out why we're different. Call for a quote today!
Check out this ground-mounted solar array in Jackson County. That’s a lot of energy being producedright here inour backyard!
Darex (now Work Sharp) wored with True South Solar to build a commercial solar array that offests about half of their energy use.
Southern Oregon University has a goal to be a net-zero user of electricity through continued addition of solar energy production.
Here is a time-lapse video of an installation we did for a couple who lives in Grants Pass.
Take Control of Your Power Today
True South Solar
Solar for Homes
Talent Community Center
24.1kW SunPower System
Coming Soon to a Neighborhood Near You!
Another satisfied customer
A job with an amazing view everyday!
Ground Mount
Solar by the Pool