Going solar swiftly but surely

Kathy used EnergySage to secure NEM 2.0 benefits before they expired

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Updated Sep 4, 2024
5 min read
EnergySage Customer Story - Kathy's home solar panels

Kathy Wexler went solar on a time crunch. Although she had been thinking about it for a while, the impending deadline to lock in more favorable rates under California’s net metering regulations meant she had to install solar quickly. But, unfamiliar with the solar landscape and unsettled by information overload, Kathy needed to know she wasn’t being taken advantage of.

project spotlight

  • Installation: April 2023

  • Location: Los Angeles, CA

  • Property type: Residential, single-family

  • Gross cost: $15,098

  • Net cost after tax credit: $10,569

  • Own or Lease: Own

  • Average annual savings: $1,553

Kathy didn’t know much about solar technology, but she knew that not every company had pure intentions. Unfortunately, California’s impending net metering policy (NEM 3.0) created ripe opportunities for scammers and bad players to take advantage of hasty solar shoppers. Kathy’s biggest fear was falling victim to one of them.

“The regulatory change meant it had to happen quickly—more quickly than I would’ve liked," Kathy explains. "I had been besieged by door-to-door salespeople, and it was really hard to be confident in the information they gave me.”

Various salespeople had provided Kathy with different offerings, making it difficult to evaluate the proposals on an apples-to-apples basis. She found her way to EnergySage through online research, and, for the first time as a consumer on her solar journey, felt genuinely helped.

“Net metering is very confusing, but EnergySage was very helpful. I was so impressed with how well-organized the information was. I could really compare my options. They’re up on the latest and the greatest with regulations.”

Explore the solar rebate and incentives available in your state

Kathy perused EnergySage and was immediately comforted by its consumer-first approach. She quickly connected with her own personal Energy Advisor to answer her questions and review the six quotes she received without a company bias. 

“There was some conflict among the different bids, and I was about to shell out a large amount of money. I didn’t want to be one of those people who find out they trusted the wrong company after the fact. It was almost like my advisor, Jessica, was my therapist!” 

EnergySage Energy Advisors don't work for installation companies, rather they serve as trusted experts consumers can rely on for unbiased information. They answer questions, provide context, explain proposals, and assist customers in whatever way needed.

In this case, Jessica Rayberg helped empower Kathy over the course of  multiple phone calls and follow-up emails to make an informed decision she was comfortable with:

“I hear so many consumers talk about how they are hesitant to move forward with solar because they've heard horror stories about it going wrong,” says Jessica. “With our help, and our awesome installer partner, Kathy was able to get a system that will produce what she needs for decades to come."

With Jessica's help, Kathy confidently signed a contract with a reputable installer in time to lock in NEM 2.0 rates, boosting the value of her solar investment by thousands of dollars:

“I’m very afraid of being taken advantage of. My Energy Advisor was extremely knowledgeable. I really felt confident when I finally signed a contract with my installer."

Empowered by renewable energy generated on her own property, Kathy is ready to make her next move: buying an electric vehicle.

“I feel good when I walk around my neighborhood and see the solar panels on everyone’s roof—including mine. I’m part of a community effort.

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