For Greater Chances of Success, Get Buy-In From Neighbors
Once you have a sense of your equipment and financing options, start gathering support for your solar project. Begin by meeting with your condo association – without their support, a successful solar project will be very difficult. Emphasize the potential for savings and the benefits for unit owners to make the case for a solar installation.
Regardless of whether you want to pursue a project exclusively for your use or for your entire property, be proactive and share your idea and motivations with your neighbors. If you are pursuing an association project that would benefit your entire complex, getting buy-in from fellow unit owners is an essential part of the process. Make yourself available to answer questions, and have information prepared that addresses the costs and benefits of moving forward with a solar PV installation.
Even if you are pursuing a unit-owner project, sharing your idea and motivations with your neighbors is necessary to gain their support. You might find that some of your neighbors are like-minded and interested in participating in a solar project with you – in some cases, you may even be able to get a discount by installing a larger system that serves multiple units.